I found that the more I thought about it the more I felt bad about myself and all of my past and present insecurities ran through my mind, "Why doesn't anyone love me?" "Am I not pretty enough?"
You see, we have this human mantality that says we have to have a significant other by our side at all times. And if we don't, we aren't important. But let me tell you; most, if not all, relationships that have that mantality do not last. They use each other to say, "yeah he's my boyfriend" or "yeah she's my girlfriend." They don't have love. And if you don't love then why have a relationship with that person?
What does love mean in the human dictionary? In our dictionary, Love means an intense feeling of deep affection. But I am here to tell you that, for me, love is different. Love is putting another's needs before your own. Love is someone giving up or delaying all of their wants and desires to help the other achieve their dreams. It's noticing the others flaws and being with them anyways.
As I was thinking about this, I realized that there is only one person in my life that has given there life for mine. And that person was Jesus Christ. He gave up his life for us. He made me and you with all of our flaws and insecurities... As He was on that cross, blood running down His body, He was thinking of you and of me. He gave up His life so that we could have EVERLASTING life. And I realized that I don't need someone standing by my side at all times because God is standing beside me, I front of me, behind me, and He is inside of me. Jesus is love.
I have love on the inside... What more do I need?