Saturday, May 24, 2014

My God gives and takes away <3

There's a song by Kutless called, "I'm Still Yours". It talks about how if God were to come and give one everything and suddenly take it all away; what would we do? Would we totally turn our backs from Him and reject Him? Or would we continue to fall towards His grace and mercy and let Him hold us and comfort us? Would God be enough for us? 

Two Christmas's ago we received devastating news saying that my great grandma had died unexpectedly. In that moment, everything in me broke down and it felt as if all that I had, had been ripped away from me. I questioned God, asking Him why... Why did He have to take my great grandmother away from me? 

It wasn't until a couple months ago when a dear friend past away, did I realize that no matter what we go through in life... We will always need someone to fall back on. Something that's going to be the rock to keep you up and running. That rock for me is Jesus Christ. 

We lose people in life sometimes... It's apart of life. We all have our time... For us that are still on earth, God is still trying to use. Our life is not up because our lives haven't really started yet. We question God but God wants to know; when are we going to start questioning ourselves... When will we try to see why God took that person from us? When will we see the bigger picture? Our lives are worth everything to God... Why do you think He put us here in the first place?

Sometimes God gives us everything and starts taking those blessings away to see how we will react... He wants to see that our faith is strong enough to trust that He has a plan and we are apart of that plan... The question is... Will you trust God to comfort you and to hold you? Or will you turn away from God and put your trust in yourself? Ultimately, one will remain for eternity and one will die off. What will you do when heart break hits you?