There's something about knowing they have close to nothing but are still grateful for it!
There's something about the dirt that flies in your face when they drive. There's something about the dirt roads and the tin roofs... There's something about the the concrete walls and the multicolored fences. There's something about the way they yell "bluh" or "white" as we drive down the road.
There's something about the country of Haiti that leaves a mark on my heart.
It's different...
What's different; you may ask.
I can honestly say that I don't know.
Was it the way they worshiped? Hands raised, eyes closed, without a care of who was watching?
Or was it the way they prayed? All lifting their voices at the same time, knowing that God was going to hear every single word?
Or maybe it was just the Holy Spirit working as He always does... He was working... There's no doubt about it.
It could have been all of the above, but I know for a fact that this trip will cease to evacuate my memory for the rest of my life.
• Five Orphanages
• One Feeding Program
• One Morning at Ishmaels (kids program)
• Five Hotel Visits (just to look)
• One Teen Center/School
• One Overlook and Museum
• Multiple Markets
• And Eight Church Services............
I say eight church services because I feel as if wherever we went we learned something new about our Creator or we sang and worshipped our Savior.
God was with us the entire trip; I felt Him in the Orphanages, in the church services... I could feel Him in the car rides and the walks to the market. I could feel Him in the feeding program and the Teen Center and I could feel Him in the hotel visits and at the overlook... I COULD FEEL HIM! And I still can.
This week God has made evident the fact that my life is not my own and that's how it's supposed to be... And that's okay. I don't have to know what's going to happen every second of everyday. My plans may fall through but I rest assured that God's plans never do... My plans may not be God's plans and I'm okay with that.
"My mission belongs to The Lord. With all my heart I give my energy and my time
to the Master because I Love Him. Therefore, I'm going to look at everyday not as mine,
but as His!"
"The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world's deep
hunger meet."
~ Frederick Buechner