Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To China and Beyond

At approximately 3:40 this morning we loaded up a friends car and headed to drop my parents off at the airport. They received their travel approval, Visas, and so much more within a matter of weeks. It has been a stressful but spiritually rewarding all in the same time. During these past few weeks I have seen God work in so many ways, and He still is. 

Day after day and week after week as this day approached I didn't really think of what responsibilities I would be up against. But as this day approached questions fogged my mind and I became fearful. What would happen if my parents didn't come back? What if something happened to any of my siblings? What would I do? God showed me that no matter what happens He is sovereign and is in control. He made all of this possible. And as my parents are away I do have responsibilities... I have to make sure my brother gets fed, dressed, and dropped off at his friends house while me and my siblings are working. I have these responsibilities but I know that no matter how hectic life is for the next two and a half weeks my God will be walking right along next to me as well as my parents all the way across the world. I named this blog "To China and Beyond" because I strongly believe that this will not end in China. Throughout our family we have different callings for each and every one of us. Whether it's right next door, or across the other parts of the world or United States. These kids stories will live on forever, and so will ours. 

DAY 1 UPDATE ON JON: Jon woke up this morning crying for our mom; I walked in and he had tears running down his face and it took everything inside of me not to cry. Looking at this little boy through a big sisters eyes, you cannot really imagine having a hard life like a two year old who was abandoned by his biological mother at the age of one. You have to think of his needs and what is best for him before you even think about yourself. Having this little boy in our lives has been a huge blessing and has grown me  in ways that I never thought possible and now I have a baby sister on the way and I can only imagine what all that will entail. Jon was a strong little boy today and did wonderful for everyone that watched him. Thank you all for your prayers!!!